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How To Kill & Prevent Lawn Moss

So, you have a great deal of moss in your lawn that you have tried and tried to kill and prevent coming back each and every year. 


Moss in the lawn is a sign that there is an underlining problem with the lawn such as lack of fertilizer, poor drainage, shade and a few more points to mention.  


​GrassHoppers INC love solving problems with lawns and we are very good at finding the answers and treating the problems.


When we find a whole load of moss in a lawn we first need to find out the reason and most of the time it is because there is a lack of fertilizer, it has never been scarified and it has poor drainage. Any of these factors will help the moss grow and thrive while your grass is being taken over. 

Step One

Moss Killer


Our first step would be to use our weed and moss killer. The moss killer we use has Ferrous Sulfate which is extremely effective against moss. We will spray the whole lawn to cover it and kill the moss and weeds blackening the moss and fully killing it. This will take around 14 days until we can move onto the next step. Be Patient! 

Step Two

Scarifying the lawn


After 14 days the lawn should have blackened and that will be the moss that has been treated and is now dead. We scarify the lawn lifting the dead moss from the lawn and removing it from the ground. 


Scarifying works extremely well after the moss treatment stage and we heavily recommend this. 

Step Three



Once the dead moss and thatch has been removed from the ground whats left is not a pretty sight but we believe that to create a brilliantly green healthy lawn you must first take a small sacrifice. 

So once all the moss is gone we need to aerate the lawn, this lets the grass roots breath and helps the moister drain for a more healthy lawn. The holes that the aeration machine creates will also help in the next few steps such as the overseeing step to help the seeds fall into these holes and grow. 

Step Four

Over seeding


This is now the perfect time to add grass to those bare patches in your lawn from the scarifying and removal of moss. Over seeding will introduce new seedlings to the bare ground where the moss and weeds once were creating the best chance for them to grow we recommend using a small use of topsoil to keep the seeds  moist and always touching earth to create a larger chance of them to germinate. 

Step Five

Seasonal Lawn Treatments


Our last step is to treat that fresh new lawn with our seasonal treatments. This will help the grass become more healthy and a thicker more luxurious green. Our treatments can be added four times a year from spring, summer, autumn and winter. They add a slow releasing amount of nitrogen to help feed the grass and keeping it looking rich in color. 


Click the link below and take a look at our Seasonal Lawn Treatments

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